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Realtime User Presence



Just call the useOnlineUsers function to start monitoring the list of users who are viewing the URL (including the path), and when it is updated, it will be reflected in the onlineUserList automatically.

import UserList from "./UserList";import { useOnlineUsers } from 'realtimely';
export default () => {    const { onlineUserList } = useOnlineUsers()    return (        <header className="header">            <h1 className="header_text">                <a href="/" className="link_text">Realtimely</a>            </h1>
            <nav className="nav">                <ul className="ul">                    <div>                        <UserList realtimeUser={onlineUserList} />                    </div>                </ul>            </nav>        </header>    )}

Check Github for the detailed implementation.